"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles" is a collection of historical records written in Old English during the Anglo-Saxon period in England. The Chronicles were...Continue
Evaluate Herbert as a religious poet.
Or, Give an estimate of Herbert as a metaphysical/ devotional poet.
Or, Discuss the relationship of Herbert with God emphasizing the nature of his conflict in this respect.
Or, Consider Herbert a religious poet.
Or Herbert is a religious poet.- Discuss.
George Herbert (1593-1633) is classified as one of the most acclaimed metaphysical poets. This school of poets discussed abstract ideas such as love, belief, religion, God, etc. As a metaphysical poet clergy, Herbert is alone in the label of devotion and religion. He has written several religious poems from philosophical and reflective perspectives.
Only a Writer of the Theological Verse: Herbert was a clergyman. He had a deep passion for Christian theology. It led him to write wholly religious poems. Almost all his poems contain religious meditation. He expresses an authentic poetic manner. He has shown rich religious passions and feelings. Herbert’s most celebrated religious collection is “The Temple.” It was published in 1633. This contains poems like “The Collar, Easter Wings, The Pearl, Love,” etc.
Poetry Based on Christian Doctrine: Some Christian principles are prominent in Herbert’s poetry. He passionately believed in the principles of the Incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection, the Trinity, Baptism, and so on. “Easter Wings” is a poem by George Herbert that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The poems in the collection called “The Temple” reveal the spirit of the Anglican church and the influence of the Bible. However, the central theme of his poems is the psychology of his religious experience.
Religious Authenticity and Conflict: Because of his religious focus, Herbert has been called a clergy of the metaphysical group. He wrote poems mainly in the service of the Lord. He expresses spiritual beliefs, feelings, emotions, doubts, and conflicts. “Easter Wings” is a poem in which Herbert humbly presents his authentic religious beliefs and feelings.
Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,
Though foolishly he lost the same:
On the other hand, “The Collar” depicts a man who is losing his faith. He feels anger for his commitment to God. He also feels that his efforts in the service of God have been fruitless. He begins to express his life for himself without religious restrictions. He denounces his commitments and proclaims freedom. He says,
My lines and life are free, free as the road.
Settlement of Religious Conflict: There are some poems in which Herbert expresses his spiritual doubts. “The Collar” is such a poem in which he reveals his utmost anger. He says that he has lost a lot. That is why he announces that his life will be as “free as the road” and as “loose as the wind”. It means that he plans to live without religious restrictions.
On double pleasures: leave thy cold dispute
Of what is fit and not.
Thus, he claims that he must lead a completely materialistic life. He comes out of his limitations. But suddenly, he hears a voice call, “Child!”. Then, the man immediately calms himself down. He answers the voice with a simple recognition,
Methought I heard one calling, Child!
And I replied My Lord.
So, Herbert is a poet of consolation. He teaches us to avoid the conflict between secular life and religious life.
Religious Meditation: Herbert’s poems are blended with emotions and intellectual reasonings. They are extremely melodious. While reading his poems, it seems that they encourage religious concentration. Easter Wings, Life, Discipline, and Denial are remarkable for their lyrical quality.
Universal Relevance: Whenever an age of Skepticism, mistrust, and lack of faith prevails in the world, Herbert’s poetry will act as a catalyst. Human beings can find relief and solace in their sad moments by reading his poems. The poems like “The Collar” and “Prayer” teach us not to get completely lost in worldly interests. “Easter Wings” instructs us to properly evaluate our worldly distresses to show respect to our Lord. Therefore, our modern age, which is so chaotic, needs Herbert’s poetry.
In short, we can say that Herbert’s attempt to preach religion is never fruitless. Rather, it guides human beings to lead a peaceful, materialistic life. He feels secure in the life hereafter. So, he is a poetic copy of the Bible.
"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles" is a collection of historical records written in Old English during the Anglo-Saxon period in England. The Chronicles were...Continue
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