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Literary Periods : Topics

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Write a Short Note on University Wits.

The term 'University Wits' is applied to a group of English Scholars who flourished in the Elizabethan age (1558-1603) under the influence...Continue

Write a short note on The Anglo Saxon Chronicles.

"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles" is a collection of historical records written in Old English during the Anglo-Saxon period in England. The Chronicles were...Continue

Write a Short Note on Dramatic Monologue.

Dramatic Monologue: A dramatic monologue is a type of poem or literary work in which a single speaker speaks in front of...Continue

Write a Note on Cavalier Poets.

The term “Cavalier Poets” describes a school of English poets of the 17th century. They supported King Charles I during the English...Continue

Which period is Called The Romantic Revival and why?

The period of English Literature between 1785 and 1830, or the Romantic Period (1798 - 1832), is called the "Romantic Revival." This...Continue

What are the Features of the Modern Age? 

Modernism (1901-39) was a cultural and literary movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It represented a break...Continue

The Way of the World as a comedy of Manners

Comedy of Manners is a play that portrays satirical behaviour in a particular social group. Comedy of Manners was popularized in the...Continue

The Three Stages of Chaucer’s Poetic Development.

Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) is called the "Father of English Literature". He is the most influential poet of the Middle English Period (1066-1500)....Continue

The Elizabethan age was the golden age of English Literature.

The Elizabethan Age is often called the golden age of English literature. This period took place during the reign of Queen Elizabeth...Continue


Surrealism Surrealism is a literary and artistic movement that emerged in the early 20th century. The movement is characterized by its exploration...Continue

Short Note on the Victorian Compromise.

Victorian Compromise: "Victorian Compromise"  is a socio-political and cultural compromise that took place in Britain during the Victorian era (1837-1901). It refers...Continue

Short Note on The Origin of Species.

‘The Origin of Species’ (1859) was a criticized scientific book in the Victorian period (1833-1901). This book was against Christian belief. For...Continue

Short Note on Reformation

The Reformation was a major change in religious and cultural life during the 16th century. It was a time when people challenged...Continue

Short Note on Pantheism

Developing in the 18th century, Pantheism believes that God and the Universe are the same thing. This philosophical term is derived from...Continue

Short Note on Negative Capability

John Keats (1795-1821), a well-known Romantic literary poet, coined the term "Negative Capability" in a letter to his brothers, George and Tom,...Continue

Short note on Lyrical Ballads.

Lyrical Ballads is a groundbreaking poetry collection published in 1798 jointly by the two romantic rebel poets William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Samuel...Continue

Short Note on King Alfred

Alfred the Great or King Alfred (847/849 - 899) is called the “father of English Prose.” He was the king of Wessex...Continue

Short Note on Globe Theatre

The Globe Theatre is one of the most famous theatres in history. It was built in London during the time of William...Continue

Short Note Hellenism

"Hellenism" refers to Greek art, culture, literature, Greek spirit, and the way of Greek life. To put it differently, "Hellenism" usually stands...Continue

Restoration Age’s social, political, historical and literary tendencies

The Restoration Age (1660-1700) is a significant period in English history and literature. It began when Charles II was restored to the...Continue

Pope’s works and contribution to the neo-classical age.

Alexander Pope (1688-1744) was a prominent figure in the Neo-Classical Age. He made significant contributions to literature through his satirical and didactic...Continue

Norman Conquest and Its Effect on English literature.

The Norman Conquest of England in 1066 marked a significant turning point in the country's history. This conquest was led by William...Continue

Newclassical period as a period of prose and reason.

The Neo-classical period (1660-1785) is also known as the 18th Century. It is a time in English literature that emphasized reason, order,...Continue

New Criticism

New Criticism New Criticism is a way of analyzing literature based on the text alone. This critical method emerged in the early...Continue

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