How is the Relationship Between Jake Barnes and Lady Brett?

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 How is the relationship between Jake Barnes and Lady Brett?  

The relationship between Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley in Hemingway’s (1899-1961) novel “The Sun Also Rises” (1926) is complex and filled with both deep affection and frustration. Jake and Brett share a profound love for each other, but their relationship is overshadowed by Jake’s impotence, a result of his war injury.

Jake’s Unfulfilled Love with Brett: One of the main ways the novel illustrates the lost generation is through its portrayal of Jake Barnes. Jake, a war veteran, has been physically and emotionally wounded by the war. His injury has left him impotent (sexually disabled).

Jake’s injury prevents him from having a fulfilling romantic relationship with Lady Brett Ashley, the woman he loves. Jake says to Brett,

Couldn’t we live together, Brett? Couldn’t we just live together?

[Jake, Book 1, Chapter 7]

In this heartbreaking line, Jake begs Brett for a life together, but she rejects him. Since Jake has become impotent, Brett knows her need for sex, which she would have to get from other men, would break Jake’s heart.

At the novel’s very end, Brett becomes emotional and wishes to stay with Jake. However, Jake rejects Brett’s emotional approach –

Yes, isn’t it pretty to think so?

[Book 3, Chapter 19]

With this final line of the novel, Jake realizes the hard reality that Brett will never settle down with one man, not even him, and acknowledges their love is a “pretty” illusion.

In essence, Jake’s unfulfilled love with Brett is a metaphor for the broader sense of unfulfillment that haunts Jake and the lost generation.