Write a short note on aphorism

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Write a short note on aphorism. 

In the vast landscape of literature, aphorisms flash like gems. It highlights profound wisdom in straightforward phrases. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is an eminent English philosopher, statesman, and essayist. He wisely maintains this literary device in his celebrated Essays. Let’s explore the essence of aphorisms through Bacon’s iconic essays;

Concise Wisdom: Bacon’s essays are packed with aphorisms. It reveals profound truths in straightforward phrases. It makes them easily memorable and impactful. For instance, in “Of Studies,” he famously states, 

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.

Here, Bacon briefly captures the essence of scholarly purposes. He highlights the benefits of reading, discussion, and writing in the cultivation of knowledge and intellect.

Universal Truths: Bacon’s aphorisms exceed temporal and cultural boundaries. He speaks to fundamental aspects of human existence. In “Of Truth,” he observes, 

A lie doth ever add pleasure.

Here, he considers a lie to be an ‘alloy’ that increases the strength of Gold. The lie is necessary for survival on Earth.

Practical Guidance: Bacon’s aphorisms often offer practical advice or insights into human behavior. It guides readers in navigating life’s complexities. In “Of Love,” he remarks,

That it is impossible to love, and to be wise.

Here, Bacon comments that it is impossible to love and to be wise at the same time.

In conclusion, Bacon’s essays are a treasure of wisdom. They offer insights into various aspects of human life and society. These aphorisms, with their brevity and clarity, continue to resonate with readers. They invite reflection and contemplation on timeless truths.

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