Analyze the symbols used by W.B.Yeats in his poems 

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 Analyze the symbols used by W.B.Yeats in his poems  is a notable literary work by Wole Soyinka. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the main text, key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary Devices, Quotations, Notes, to various questions of  Analyze the symbols used by W.B.Yeats in his poems .


 Analyze the symbols used by W.B.Yeats in his poems 

W.B. Yeats (1865-1939)  is known for his vast use of symbolism in his poetry. His symbols are unique and also aristocratic. His use of artistic symbols makes his poetry authentic and iconic. Here are some of the most recognized symbols he used.

The Butterfly: In this poem, ‘Among School Children, ‘ Yeats uses the butterfly symbol to illustrate the transience of beauty and the fleeting nature of youth. The butterfly, which flits from flower to flower, reaches the human soul, which moves from one stage of life to another.

The Tower: The tower is a powerful and complex symbol in Yeats’ poetry. It can convey many things, such as a place of retreat, a symbol of strength and stability, or a representation of spiritual growth. In his poem “The Tower,” the tower represents the poet’s mind and quest for spiritual enlightenment.

The Gyres: The concept of the gyres is a central idea in Yeats’ philosophy of history. It states that history moves in cycles. The gyres represent these cycles. They often symbolize the forces of change and transformation in Yeats’ poetry.

Helen and Troy: In the poem, ‘No Second Troy, ‘ Yeats uses the symbol of Helen of Troy to represent Maud Gonne. He compares Gonne to Helen. She was the cause of the Trojan War. It suggests that, like Helen, Gonne has caused a war within him. He also uses the symbol of a broken tower to represent the destruction of his hopes and dreams for a relationship with Gonne.

Byzantium: Yeats uses the symbol of the city of Byzantium in the poem Byzantium. It represents a mythical kingdom of eternal beauty. The poem describes an imaginary journey to this kingdom, where everything is eternal and unchanging. Again, The symbol of the golden bird represents the soul’s journey towards spiritual enlightenment. 

The Ledaean Body: This symbol is used in Yeats’ poem “Leda and the Swan.” It represents the mingling of the divine and the human. In the poem, Leda’s body is transformed by the divine presence of the swan. It represents the union of the physical and spiritual worlds.

The Phoenix: The phoenix is a symbol that appears in several of Yeats’ poems. It represents rebirth and renewal. In “The Second Coming,” for example, the phoenix is associated with a new era of history. It will arise from the chaos of the present.

Conclusion: Yeats’ use of symbols adds depth and complexity to his poetry. It allows him to explore profound themes and ideas through imagery and metaphor.