- Trace the romantic elements of Yeats’ poetryTrace the romantic elements of Yeats’ poetry. W. B. Yeats (1865-1939) is the most prominent poet of modern English literature. He has another identification: he is a romantic poet. His poetry is absorbed in the [...]
- Discuss W.B Yeats’ Treatment of Myth and HistoryDiscuss W.B Yeats' Treatment of Myth and History. Or, Critically comment on Yeats' handling of history and myth with reference to the poems you have read. In classical Greek, "mythos" signified any story or plot, [...]
- Discuss the personal elements of Yeats’s poetry.Discuss the personal elements of Yeats's poetry. Literature is the mirror of society. Every poet writes their literary works from personal experience and a far-reaching perspective. W. B. Yeats (1865 – 1939) had a long [...]
- Sailing to Byzantium deals with Yeats’ Journey from the Sensual to the Spiritual WorldSailing to Byzantium deals with Yeats' journey from the sensual to the spiritual world. Discuss. "Sailing to Byzantium" is a renowned poem by William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), published in 1928. The poem investigates the poet's profound desire [...]
- Comment on Yeats’ Use of SymbolsWrite a note on the symbols used by Yeats with references to the poem you have read." Or Critically Comment on Yeats' Use of Symbols. W. B. Yeats has been described as a symbolist. One [...]
- Trace Yeats’ changing attitude to contemporary Irish revolutionariesTrace Yeats' changing attitude to contemporary Irish revolutionaries. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), the well-known Irish poet, lived during a turbulent period in Irish history, including the struggle for independence and the formation of the Irish [...]
- What is Yeats’ attitude to old age in the poem Sailing to Byzantium?What is Yeats' attitude to old age in the poem Sailing to Byzantium? In the poem "Sailing to Byzantium," William Butler Yeats describes a complex and uncertain attitude towards old age. The poem, written in [...]
- What does Innisfree symbolize in the poem “The lake isle of Innisfree” by Yeats?What does Innisfree symbolize in the poem "The lake isle of Innisfree" by Yeats? "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" is an iconic poem written by W.B. Yeats (1865-1939), one of the most prominent Irish poets. [...]
- “I will arise and go now, for always night and day”- ExplainI will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey I hear [...]