Poetics is a notable literary work by Aristotle. A complete discussion of this literary work is given, which will help you enhance your literary skills and prepare for the exam. Read the Main texts, Key info, Summary, Themes, Characters, Literary devices, Quotations, Notes, and various study materials of Poetics.
Why did Sidney write “An Apology for Poetry?”
During the Renaissance (1500-1660), the emotional appeal of literature created a number of poets. Sir Philip Sydney (1554-1586) was a superior one. One of his most famous works is “An Apology for Poetry” (or “The Defence of Poesy”) published in (1595).
The Occasion of Writing “An Apology for Poetry”: Sidney wrote his literary essay in reaction to Stephen Gosson’s “The School of Abuse,” which was written in 1579 and dedicated to Sidney. In “The School of Abuse,” Stephen Gosson complains against poets and poetry and also against contemporary drama. Sidney never mentions Stephen Gosson’s name in his essay, who was a Puritan.
Major Objections of Stephen Gosson Against Poetry: Stephen Gosson raises four objections against poetry in his “The School of Abuse”.
Defence of Poetry: Sydney decided to throw a reply to the attacks of Gosson. He answers every single objection of Stephen Gosson. He replies to the 2nd objection in such a way,
Under the sun the poet is the least liar;
Later on, Sydney replies to the third objection about the abuses of poetry. He says it is not the fault of poetry but of the poets. He says,
And not say that poetry abuseth man’s wit, but that man’s wit abuseth poetry.
Thus, in his essay, Sydney justly defended every objection against poetry and drama. He mentioned that poetry and drama are deeply involved in human beings. Sydney defined all the charges against poetry and stood for the sake of the global and endless quality of poetry that makes us know why poets are universal geniuses.